Finding Hope
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.”– Anne Lamont, Bird by BirdHope is one of the most vulnerable human experiences Vulnerable because having hope puts us at risk of being let down. For example, most spouses make vows to their partners on their wedding day that are full of hopeful anticipation of the life to come. However, over time the hope felt at the altar may become replaced by disappointments, broken promises, and unfulfilled expectations. Hopelessness — in a relationship, for oneself, or for one’s life situation — is often a direct cause of poor mental and/or relational health.Yet hope is powerful Finding even a glimmer of hope, in the darkest times of life, is the best remedy to the frustration, pain, and depression we feel when life is beating us down. Hope can act like a life-raft that keeps our heads above water, even when we feel like we are sinking.The process of therapy is a common resource for people when they are in need of some help to hope again. Research suggests that finding hope may be the single best determining factor in client success in therapy. One of the primary goals in our approach to therapy is to help clients find reasons to hope again. We believe that by starting with hope, our clients will be empowered to successfully address whatever their mental or relationship health needs may be.