
The Second Mountain

“Inspiration to climb the right mountain: Written by David Brooks, this is a thoughtful look into qualities of a moral life.  He offers endless quotes from a variety of writers.  This book is a deep look at what will give you meaning.  It is inspirational and tangible. Almost immediately you are hit with the thoughtfulness […]

Just Breathe “Are you breathing right? “ This book is a presentation of several breathing philosophies and techniques.  The author directs us to consider our breath and how we are using it. Then, he shows us several breathing techniques that masters use.  This book is an invitation to try different ways to breath. I think the […]

Mating in Captivity Is that what my spouse thinks about sex?” This is a book about sexual desire.  Esther Perel is a speaker, author and sex therapist, and she pulled from her years of experience counseling couples to write this book.  She details the path of intimacy and desire for couples.   Perel has excellent insights into couples […]

Emotional Agility

Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and LifeAuthor: Susan David“This book is a clear guide to stopping the “hook” that leads to bad thinking” After reading this book, I have tried to pay more attention to what hooks my thoughts, that influences my day. I am realizing that it is much easier […]